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Rossinol Rebels

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Rossinol Rebels


Emma Rossi and her 16 year old daughter, Lucia Nolan, and are cycling around Cambodia in July, 2014.

We are raising awareness and funding to combat human trafficking and sexual exploitation.

All funds raised will go to support victim services, rehabilitation, education and survivor empowerment.

We would welcome any contribution, great or small, that you could make!

Thank you.

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    Project Futures Ltd.

    PROJECT FUTURES is a non-profit organisation run by a passionate network of young and inspiring professionals. We raise awareness and funding for programs dedicated to combat human trafficking and sexual exploitation globally. We encourage like-minded individuals to actively use their skills and talents to contribute to make a difference. The money raised contributes to the funding of rescue, recovery, education and reintegration of victims and survivors as well as advocacy for the cause. 

    Our Objectives:

    1. The raise awareness about the issue of human trafficking and sexual exploitation through innovative activities 

    2. To raise funds to support anti-trafficking projects in Australia and around the world

    3. To influence and empower the next generation to donate their time, skills and talents for worthy causes, which positively impact their global environment. 

    Our Projects:

    Australia - The Salvation Army's Safe House for Trafficked Victims and The Freedom Advocates Project

    Australia - Child Wise, National Child Abuse Prevention Helpline

    International - AFESIP Cambodia

    International - Cambodian Children's Trust (CCT)

    To find out more about these projects please go to

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